Jobfair® protects and secures your students

Tens of thousands of students trust us to safeguard their data throughout their career search

Students provide their own data

Simple, clear and straightforward. Jobfair® uses data provided by students themselves, and gives them full control over which employers receive it.
Data Privacy Information
Jobfair FERPA Compliant

Fully FERPA compliant

Jobfair® is at the forefront of responsible data stewardship and is the only career platform that redacts user resumes right from the start.

Jobfair® provides colleges with peace of mind

Our unique approach and limited staff helps keep your students safe. Jobfair® leads the industry in letting students control their data.

Best-in-class security infrastructure

Jobfair® uses top-of-the-line security infrastructure at the software and network levels, to ensure that student data is always encrypted at rest, responsibly stored, and transmitted securely. This includes the use of TLS/SSL protocols, 256-bit AES data encryption, API call-level authentication, and modern DDoS mitigation controls.

Rigorous audits and reviews

Jobfair® participates in extensive security audits and code reviews. Our production infrastructure complies with the following standards, among others: ISO 27001, SOC 1, SOC 2, SSAE 16, ISAE 4302, PCI Level 1, FISMA, and Sarbanes-Oxley.

Secure passwordless sign-on

Jobfair® supports modern passwordless sign-on, to ensure your students can enjoy safe, simple access to the platform from any secure identity or device. Our authentication process uses your existing security infrastructure without any setup required — one-time login codes are delivered right to your students inbox every time.

Security comes standard

Jobfair®'s secure passwordless sign-on, full encryption at rest, and encrypted data transfer solutions are all included in the flat price of subscription. Jobfair® is the only pre-interview platform in the industry that offers all of these best-in-class security services at no additional charge.

Explore our security whitepaper

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