Employer Products

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$99 Day Pass
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Number of Institutions
Ivy League, Community Colleges, Public Universities and everything in between
Up to 3 U.S.-based Colleges
Contact Requests
Instantly request contact information from jobseekers — emailed to you within 24 hours.
2 Users/day
Advanced Filters
Prior Internship Experience, High GPA, Fortune 500 Experience & More
Database View
Search/Filter/Sort pre-interviews & resumes using our first-of-its-kind platform

Enterprise & Monthly Plans

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Jobfair® is

Simple, straight-forward

  • Listen to pre-interviews to narrow down list
  • Before on-campus events
  • No relying on resumes alone

Free Through Fall 2024

Starter Plan

How does Jobfair® work?
Jobfair® allows you to search through a large database of college students and recent grads who have uploaded their redacted resume and an audio pre-interview.

When you find a jobseeker you'd like to reach out to, you can request their contact information. This request is routed to them privately, without revealing the identity of either side.

Your interview process then proceeds unchanged. Jobfair® is simply a way to source and connect.
What is the Starter plan?
The Starter plan is our free, limited-time offering for employers who are eager to jump in and start using our platform.

Access will continue to be free through Fall 2024.
What is the Day Pass?
Our Day Pass grants you 24 hours of unfettered access to every student, in every major, from every school.

This premium offering is practically unlimited during your access period, but is subject to common-sense restrictions to protect against fraud and abuse.

Access begins at 8AM on your chosen day and continues for 24 hours. Same-day access is not available for this offering.